Sunday November, 09, 2014 at 03:24 AM
Wow it's amazing it shows how to do it and it's just great
To draw this Halloween character, you will need a white sheet of paper, a lead pencil, a gum eraser and some felt-tips and colored pencils to color in your masterpiece!
Now follow step by step the indications below to make a nice Halloween drawing.
1) Draw a circle for the body of the creature, and a big mouth upside down.
2) Add sharp teeth, two legs and 3 antennas with a big eye at the end of each antenna.
3) Draw pincers at the end of the legs and tentacles all around the body.
4) To finish your Halloween monster draw details of pincers, tentacles and eyes.
5) Color it with colors of your imagination.
Here is Jenny's drawing! Send us yours: !
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Sunday November, 09, 2014 at 03:24 AM
Wow it's amazing it shows how to do it and it's just great