Easter Eggs From Around the Worldpage 3 / 6
In many Slavic countries, including the Czech Republic, Poland, Ukraine, and Bulgaria, Easter eggs are dyed deep gemstone colors and feature elaborate and intricate geometric designs made using a method similar to batik, a wax resist process. Ukrainian pysanky are perhaps the most renown. Pysanky are made by drawing designs on the egg using wax before the egg is dyed. The wax not only guards the designs but also protects the egg from the dye, allowing different colors to be used. By repeating this process, is repeated multiple times with different colored dyes to create a multi-colored pattern. Polish pisanki are made in a similar fashion, featuring lacelike designs. In the Czech Republic, similar designs are made by decorating dyed Easter eggs with straw.
Czech Easter Eggs
Polish pisanki
Ukrainian pysanky