Wednesday October, 08, 2014 at 11:33 PM
This is amazing it was so esay to draw!!!
Learn how to draw this cute FLAMINCO of your very own.
You will need:
- Pencil
- Pen
- Eraser
- Paper
- Colored pencils or crayons
- Ruler (suggested)
Jeff's Tips & Ideas : Use lightly sketched pencil lines first for the structure. After, use a pen to draw in the final lines. When you're finished, erase the underlying pencil lines to reveal your drawing. Then - color it!
Let's start! Follow step by step our easy indications below !
Start out with some simple shapes. A couple of circles help to bring the head and body into view. Add some lines to form the neck and legs.
Next, if you like... sketch in some simple details - things that help make your drawing look like a flamingo - and not some other kind of bird. Notice how different the beak is!
Begin with the eye (one of them!) - and the beak.
Next, start sketching in the rest of the head. Take note of how the right eye is drawn in last. Gives the bird a '3D' sort of look... as though it (she's!) tilting her head. :-)
OK. How's it looking? Next, go ahead and connect the head to the body by drawing in the 'S-like' neck...
The body's easy. Just use the circle/oval from the first step to help as a guide. But remember - you don't need to sketch these shapes. They're only there to help you visualize the drawing as it comes together.
Get creative with the wing/tail - feathers! - area. There are all sorts of neat ways to draw them.
And - we've got a complete cartoon flamingo! Pretty neat... but of course... we still need to color it PINK! Let's do that now...
And there it is... a pink cartoon flamingo! Hope you enjoyed this lesson. :-)
Here is a drawing of a cute FLAMINCO made by Jeff Scarterfield ! For more lessons by Jeff, check out his website at
Happy Drawing! :-)
1 vote(s) - Average rating 5/5
Wednesday October, 08, 2014 at 11:33 PM
This is amazing it was so esay to draw!!!