Louie, draw me a Koala
Louie draw me a Crane
Louie, draw me a Submarine
Louie, draw me a Hippopotamus
Louie, draw me a Giraffe
Louie, draw me a Parrot
Louie, draw me a Scarecrow
Louie, draw me a Tow Truck
Louie Draw me a Pig
Louie Draw me a Butterfly
Louie,draw me a Mouse
Louie, draw me a Sledge
Louie, draw me a Lighthouse
Let's draw a koala bear with Yoko and Louie!
To draw a koala you start with the head. First of all, you draw a large circle for one ear, with a line for the top of the head and then, another large circle on the other side for the second ear. Then, you finish the head with a semi-circle. You draw two points for his eyes and a big oval nose and a pretty line for his mouth. For his body you draw a large oval shape and then you draw his front legs, and two large bricks for his back feet.
And now you can color your koala in how ever you like.
If you want to draw a koala, have a go!
See you soon my friends!
See you soon Louie, see you soon Yoko!