Super Bowl Weekend XLIX - New England Patriots vs. Seattle Seahawks
Super Bowl XLlX - New England Patriots vs. Seattle Seahawks
If you haven't already gotten your tickets to the 2015 Super Bowl then you will either have to fork out between $8,000.00 to $24,000.00 for a ticket or you can find yourself a front row seat in front of your television at home. Super Bowl Sunday will be held on February 1st at University of Phoenix Stadium in Glendale, Arizona.
Kids Fun Super Bowl Party Ideas
Whether you were lucky enough to get Super Bowl tickets or watch the football game from home, there will be millions of Super Bowl fans enjoying this events all day festivities. One of the funnest parts about the Super Bowl for kids is the food, commercials and halftime show. This year the Super Bowl halftime show artist is Katy Perry! While the adults have their fun the kids can be a part of this exciting football day and has listed some ideas.
Invitation cards can be as easy as an email invitation or sending invitations to the kids in shapes of footballs, game tickets or pom poms. Be sure to suggest the kids come dressed according to the team they want to win.
Use the colors of each of the teams being represented in the Super Bowl. Use balloons, streamers, table covers, napkins and cups. Or you can just go with a general football theme. If you can find some old football helmets you can use those as snack bowls and decorations for the table.
Game & Activities:
- During the Super Bowl game the kids can be involved in a little competition of their own and given a chance to win some prizes playing the Super Bowl Smackdown game. Print out the Super Bowl Smackdown game sheet for each child attending the party. Have the kids fill out the questions and as the game progresses, the questions will be answered, and small prizes can be awarded to the players with the right answers. At the end tally up which player had the most correct answers.
- For a yummy surprise, prebake sugar cookies in the shape of a football and set up an area where the kids can decorate them.
- Face painting is always a fun activity for kids. Paint footballs, use the colors of the Super Bowl team you are rooting for or paint the team mascot.
Food: A Recipe to Success
The food table should be covered with yummy things the kids love to eat. A few ideas could be pizza, assorted chips and dips, veggies, chicken wings, nachos, mini sandwhiches, chili, chocolate chip cookies, football shaped sugar cookies, brownies and rice krispies in the shape of footballs dipped in chocolate.
Have fun and enjoy Super Bowl Sunday with your family and friends!