The Magic Rubber Bands
In this video, the magician succeeds in freeing a piece of paper stuck in some rubber bands. Watch the video and you too can learn how to do that !
How to do this magic trick
Materials needed
- A piece of paper
- Two rubber bands
Preparation for the trick
- For this trick, we're going to assume that there are 4 levels of rubber bands. The first one which is the nearest from the table and the fourth one which is the farthest.
- Under the table, hitch one of the rubber bands between your two index fingers and the other rubber band between your two little fingers.
- Get the part of the rubber band at level 1 with your thumbs.
- Then, slip your middle finger above the rubber band at level 2.
- Watch the video carefuly and you should understand how it's done.
How to do this trick?
- After the preparation under the table, ask someone to hang the piece of paper on the rubber band at level 4 and to hold it in place.
- Quickly, get your thumbs above the rubber band at level 4.
- Then, get your middle fingers above level 3.
- After that, get your third fingers above level 2.
- Finally, you can take your little fingers off the rubber band and the paper is free !
Watch the video several times so that you can understand better. The magician uses two different rubber bands to make it easier to see what's happening.