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Ice Age Pirates puzzle

Captain Gutt and Crew

These bad pirates from the movie Ice Age 4, are up to no good. Play this challenging puzzle game to see if you can beat the clock. Discover more fun Ice Age puzzle games from Hellokids.com.

How to play this puzzle game?

  1. Choose a difficulty level on your left.
  2. For levels "Very easy" and "Easy", take all the time you need to put the puzzle pieces together, there is no time limit.
  3. For other levels, time is running out. Click on "Start", watch the countdown timer and achieve your online puzzle game until the timer reaches zero!
  4. You can press the help button ("?") to see the model to achieve during your game session.

Puzzle games for tablets and smartphones

You can also be connected to Hellokids.com and play this online jigsaw puzzle on your tablet or smartphone.

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Fichier généré le 13/03/2025 à 14:43:49