"For you," said Billy. "I will."
"He's a very nice man," said the little girl to Dianne, once Billy had left.
"Yes, Billy is a very special person," said Dianne. "So, what's your name?"
"It's Alicia," the little girl replied.
"Well, Alicia," said Dianne. "My name is Dianne. It's very nice to meet you. How would you like an ice-cream cone?"
"Yes, please!" exclaimed Alicia.
Billy came back in about an hour.
"Billy!" exclaimed Alicia, when Billy came through the door. "How is the Easter Bunny? Is he alright?"
"He's feeling much better now," said Billy.
"You mean there is going to be an Easter after all!" exclaimed Alicia.
"Definitely," said Billy.
"Oh thank you!" exclaimed Alicia. "Thank you so much, Billy."
"How did you ever find the Easter Bunny?" asked Dianne, once Alicia had left.
"I know the Easter Bunny very well," said Billy. "He's my best friend."
"Oh, is that so, Mr. Troll," laughed Dianne.
"What!" exclaimed Billy. "You don't believe me."
"No," said Dianne. "Not exactly."
"Well," said Billy. "Then I wouldn't be holding out for that engagement ring that you wanted so badly for Easter!"
"How did you know about that?" asked Dianne, suddenly embarrassed.
"I told you, I know the Easter Bunny!" laughed Billy.
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Saturday November, 15, 2014 at 5:12 PM