An old couple goes the doctor, just to check their general health. The husband goes in first and the doctor says: "Well, Mr. Jones, you are in a perfect shape considering your age".
And the man says: "Sure I am: I don't drink, I don't smoke and the good Lord takes care of me".
At which point the doctor seems puzzled and says: "What do you mean?".
The old man replies: "For example, last night I had to go to the toilet and God switched on the light for me, so that I wouldn't fall down."
The doctor doesn't understand and asks the man to go out and let his wife in. The woman enters the room and the doctor visits her and says: "You are in a perfect shape, considering your age".
At which the woman replies: "Sure I am: I don't drink, I don't smoke..."
The doctor interrupts her: "... and the good Lord takes care of you, doesn't He?".
"The woman looks puzzled: "What are you talking about?".
The doctor explains: "Your husband told me. He says the good Lord looks after him. Like last night, when he was in the toilet and God switched on the light for him so that he wouldn't fall".
The woman replies: "Good Lord, he peed in the fridge again!"