
The 1942 animated Disney movie is a story of Bambi, a young deer hailed as the 'Prince of the Forest' at his birth. As Bambi grows, he makes friends with the other animals of the forest, learns the skills needed to survive, and even finds love. One day, however, the hunters come, and Bambi must learn to be as brave as his father if he is to lead the other deer to safety. Bambi becomes best friends with a rabbit named Thumper and a skunk named Flower. However, he was closest to his mother, who was shot on his first winter. Raised into a buck by his father, he strongly falls in love with his childhood sweetheart and love interest, Faline,
You will find an entertaining selection of Bambi coloring pages, games and easy how to draw Bambi tutorials. The magic does not stop there with a kingdom of Disney fun for you to explore from Hellokids.